Mulready: A Clear Solution for Oklahoma’s Medicaid Program
Rep. Glen Mulready: A clear solution for Oklahoma’s Medicaid program
Counterpoint: Trish Emig: Elderly and disabled Oklahomans are being hung out to dry
If you will, for a moment, indulge me by recalling to memory a popular video game in the 1980s.
The music starts and your heart rate increases as you masterfully begin to travel through a maze on the screen.
Now imagine the Pac-Man on screen is our Medicaid program. The maze is filled with our state budget and each dollar is represented by a dot in the maze.
Though it may not be the goal, the Medicaid program is gobbling up the state budget.
It might not be the most eloquent of metaphors, but it certainly paints a vivid picture for my colleagues when I’m standing on the House floor.