
Lamb: “I’m Against Tax Increases”

‘I’m against tax increases’: Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb rules out tax hikes as fix to state budget hole
by Chris Casteel, NewsOK.com

STILLWATER – Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb, campaigning for governor here Tuesday night, ruled out tax hikes as a way to plug the state budget hole and gave only faint praise to a coalition of state business and community leaders who advanced a sweeping proposal to raise revenue and reform government.

At a meeting of the Payne County Republican Party, Lamb was asked about Step Up Oklahoma, which presented its plan last week in Oklahoma City.

“I’ve read a little bit about Step Up Oklahoma,” Lamb, a Republican, said. “I know there are a lot of good men and women in that organization – that loosely affiliated group – that care a lot about Oklahoma. I’m against tax increases. Did you hear that? I’m against tax increases. I like some of the reforms in Step Up Oklahoma. I particularly like the Office of Budget Accountability and Transparency.”

Read the complete story on NewsOK.com

2 thoughts on “Lamb: “I’m Against Tax Increases”

  • Really ! then you need to show your A** up at the capital and stop whats going on in oklahoma ! as Fallin has went against the wishs of the people , you turn a lame ear, do you not here are cries ! decent wage ! instead Fallin give pay hikes to state district managers if you can call them that . yet teachers as well as state workers have not seen raises in 11 years ! Oh it came from appropriations, best get on the horn and tells this branch not to fund this ! WE THE CITIZENS FIRST!

  • For someone whom is suppose to be in the KNOW you are not the one…This step up Oklahoma Bill is Going to be the main plan to fix the budget problem and you have admitted that you “have read a little bit” about this! We are all against Tax Increases to fix this hole budget but the mind set of the Oklahoma legisature is throw more Money at it to fix it .. it allways has been and allways will be. Better be informed if you want our Votes so far your not it


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