
Boren Kicks Off Education Sales Tax Petition Effort

Oklahoma group launches initiative drive for school sales tax
By Rick Green

Petitions will likely be circulated across Oklahoma soon for a ballot measure that would increase the state sales tax by a penny to raise millions of dollars for education, including $5,000-a-year raises for teachers.

Supporters filed paperwork with the secretary of state’s office Wednesday to begin the initiative campaign. 

Once the petition for a constitutional amendment is approved, backers will have 90 days to collect the 123,000 signatures needed to put it on next year’s general election ballot.

University of Oklahoma President David Boren, who has served as governor and U.S. senator, pounded a lectern in a news conference in the state Capitol’s Hall of Governors to bring home his contention that this is the best vehicle to improve school funding.

Read the complete story on NewsOK.com 

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